Thursday, December 09, 2004

9 december 1904

This morning had a very good start.
Like every day I begin with starting up the computer and now I received a nice e-mail from our friend Jeremy from London, with a wonderful picture. I remember when he took this picture, it was at the exposition “Een Zeldzame Weelde” four years ago in Gent in the Museum voor Schone Kunsten . It was the first reaction at my blog in English!
Jeremy phoned me yesterday and asked me what I was doing, so I will tell him.
First starting the computer and looking to my e-mail. Having breakfast with Erica. Then we went to Zutphen for our singing lesson by our friend Lennerd Oosthoek.
Like every time we start with very simple songs:

Since singing is so good a thing
I wish all men would learn to sing.

Je cherche fortune, au tour du Chat Noir
Au clair de la lune, a Montmartre!
Je cherche fortune, au tour du Chat Noir
Au clair de la lune, à Montmartre le soir.

Then we went to Schubert and other stuff!

After singing, Erica went to the Hospital in Deventer for a check up, she was very well and I had to write my bloc. Thank you Jeremy for your reaction.

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